Senin, 30 September 2019

Counting How Many Carbs in a Low Carb Diet

We all know that counting how many carbs in a low carb diet is essential for those who want to lose weight. If you want to lose weight, you know exactly that exercising is not the only thing you need. Trust me, I have been helping people to lose weight for ages and I know what they need, precisely.
So? What does it take to lose weight successfully? Well, besides of exercising, of course you are going to watch your diet. It means that you need to keep an eye on what you eat and what you drink every day, starting from the breakfast to the dinner.
Trying the low carb diet is one of the most popular alternatives to lose weight these days. This kind of diet allows you to eat just enough carbs to meet the dietary needs, but not too much so that you will not gain more weight because of the carbs. If you want to try this kind of diet, first of all you need to fully understand about this diet and then you will have to understand how many carbs in a low carb diet that you need as well. Below is the more information about low carb diet, including the information about how many carbs in a low carb diet.
  1. What Exactly is a Low Carb Diet?
I know so many people who were determined to lose weight and they were so excited when this low carb diet was invented. So, before you jump to the information of how many carbs in a low carb diet, you need to know exactly what this diet is all about. You do understand that carbohydrate or carb, for short, is one of the substances in foods that can cause us to gain weight. However, carb is not 100% bad, on the contrary, it is needed by our body to work its function properly.
So, basically, the low carb diet is like a little bit of irony because it makes us setting aside the carb for a while but in fact our body still needs those carbs. However, you should never worry about that because in this kind of diet, you will not ditch the carb completely. You just have to limit the intake of carbs inside the body so that you do not gain more weight because you know exactly how many carbs in a low carb diet.
Does it mean that during the diet you limit the consumption of carbohydrate sources into the body? Yes, exactly, during the diet there will be certain limitation of the foods or products where you will find the most carbs. Foods such as dairy products, starchy vegetables, sugary sweets, grains, and legumes will be limited on how many carbs in a low carb diet.
During this kind of diet, you need to know exactly how many carbs in a low carb diet that meets your dietary needs. That is why consulting with a registered dietitian seems to be a wise decision. The need of carbs is different in one person to another, especially if the background behind the diet is different as well. People who try this kind of diet in purpose of weight loss may need different carbs intake than those who perform the diet in purpose of building muscles, that is why knowing how many carbs in a low carb diet is incredibly important.
  1. Counting How Many Carbs in a Low Carb Diet
There is no exact carb allotments in the low carb diet. However, there are some sources that can be used as the defining tools to determine how many carbs in a low carb diet that people should eat.
First of all, according to the Atkins Diet method, which is almost the same as low carb diet, how many carbs in a low carb diet for a day is around 100 grams per day. Then, there is the American Diabetes Association that stated how many carbs in a low carb diet people should consume daily had to be fewer than 130 grams. Meanwhile, according to a report publshed by Nutrition and Metabolism about how many carbs in a low carb diet that people should put in their body is around 100 grams daily.
Based of the studies above, it is safe to say that the answer to the question of how many carbs in a low carb diet that you need is 100 grams per day, more or less. By consuming 100 grams of carbs per day, the carbohydrate need is fulfilled and you do not consume too much carbs that will trigger the weight gain or trigger the peak of the blood sugar level.
  1. What 100 Grams of Carbs Looks Like
Now you know that you need to consume 100 grams of carbs daily in order to stay in the low carb diet. However, do you know precisely what 100 grams of carbs looks like? If you are still in the dark about that, below is the information of what 100 grams of carbs look like.
  • 2 large sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes are great sources of carbs and source of energy. It has calcium, vitamin A, potassium and so on but it does not have much fat. 2 large sweet potatoes have approximately 92-100 grams of carbs, so, if you ask how many carbs in a low carb diet, the answer is apparently equal to 2 large sweet potatoes.
  • 3,5 cup of cooked oatmeal. Oat is low-cholesterol food with calcium, fiber, folate, and iron. It is a good source of carbs. 3,5 cup of cook oatmeal is enough to fulfil your carbs intake because it has like 98-100 grams of carbs in it. How many carbs in a low carb diet? Well, it is just about 3,5 cup of cooked oatmeal.
  • 4 slices of whole-wheat bread. If you want to know how many carbs in a low carb diet, especially in such a common "carb food" like whole-wheat bread, the answer is 4 slices. Yes, 4 slices of whole-wheat bread have like 88-100 grams of carbs. This kind of bread is not only an affordable and flexible carbohydrate source but also a great source of fiber for your body.
  • 2,5 cup of quinoa. Quinoa is not only a great source of carb, but also a perfect source of protein. How many carbs in a low carb diet that you need, especially if it is measured by quinoa? The answer is about 2,5 cup. 2,5 cup of cooked quinoa has almost 100 grams of carbs, it is all you need to remain healthy while watching your body weight.
Those are the information about how many carbs in a low carb diet. Now that you know everything about low carb diet, especially on how many carbs in a low carb diet, you can really take the diet seriously and expect for some great result. Good luck!

3 Day Military Diet Reviews, the Fastest and Easiest Diet for Me

Have you tried 3 Day Military Diet? I have, satisfied with the result and I think I’ve found one of the best diet ever created. You can see many 3 Day Military Diet Reviews and found out the good thing about this diet. But here, I try to write review, after trying this diet for the first time, so, here we go.
The Reason Why I Wrote This 3 Day Military Diet Reviews
Actually, it is simple reason. I see it as one of the fastest way to lose your weight. Many 3 Day Military Diet Reviews say about this matter and I agree with them.
I experienced myself, when I try to lose just 10 pounds; it felt like one of the hardest task ever in my life. However, 3 Days Military Diet changes my day and become the best solution for me, like what I will express in my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews here. I can lose most of my target losing weight in just 3 Days and in one week; I finally can reach my main target, losing 10 pounds of my weight.
Here in my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews, I try to share my experience and the greatness of this diet with 3 Day Military Diet Reviews. I hope this review will help you to get more reference about this diet, plus it can help to ease your hesitation when you want to use this diet. Of course, I also want you try it directly to feel the benefit from it and maybe you can get the result more than what I’ve got.
My Favorite Part of 3 Day Military Diet in Our 3 Day Military Diet Reviews
Here, in my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews, I want to tell you all Military Diet favorite parts. Here they are:
  • Cheap
I can say in my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews, this diet as one of the cheapest diet I’ve ever tried. You may also think this way, after you try it for at least a week. I see it like that because it doesn’t need special ingredient or food, where you need to spend more money to buy it.
In fact, when I tried it for the first time, I’ve already found almost half of food for the diet in my refrigerator. So, can you imagine how easy this diet to do? Most of 3 Day Military Diet Reviews also pointed out this matter as the 3 Day Military Diet plus point.
  • Fast Result
Like this review name, 3 Day Military Diet Reviews, I only need to do it for 3 days and see the result. Actually, the article said we have to do a week diet to get the result like what we want, which is losing 10 pounds. But, I decided to try the 3 days program to see the result and continue for a week, when it give me the result like what I want and then write 3 Day Military Diet Reviews.
And, after 3 days, I find my body feels quite lighter than previously and when I weight it up on weight scale. For the result, I will tell you at the end of this 3 Day Military Diet Reviews article. But, I can say, I was really satisfied with the result, so I recommend it to you who want to get fast result in just 3 days like what you will see on my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews.
  • Easy for Me
I don’t know about your preference or favorite food, but what I wrote in 3 Day Military Diet Reviews, the menus on this diet make this diet easy to do. I like most of them, so basically I don’t have any problem to eat anything that the diet tells me to do. I can say this is the best point in my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews.
The Menu of the Diet
Here in my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews, you can know how easy to prepare it, because, basically, you only need to prepare 9 meals, which is 3 meals per day for 3 days. So, here in my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews, I’ll try to share what I eat during those 3 days of doing Military Diet. Let’s start the interesting part of my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews!
Day 1
  • Breakfast: grapefruit, toast with hardboiled egg, peanut butter (choose the organic peanut butter), a cup of coffee.
  • Lunch: toast with canned tuna,
  • Dinner: apple, baked chicken breast, steamed green beans, ice cream (choose the low fat)
I can say it in this 3 Day Military Diet Reviews as the hardest part of the diet. Your body will try to adapt with the portion and type of food you eat on this first day. Therefore, you will feel really hungry, and when I wrote 3 Day Military Diet Reviews I also felt like that.
Day 2
  • Breakfast: toast with hardboiled egg and a cup of coffee
  • Lunch: cottage cheese and hardboiled egg
  • Dinner: I boiled sausage and steam broccoli. Add some banana as the desert.
One of best part of my diet I can share with you on my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews. I love egg, so ate egg the whole day on the second day make me feel happy. For you who don’t like egg too much, the menu in my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews maybe too hard for you, and to solve it, you can switch the menu with first or third day or other menu from other 3 Day Military Diet Reviews.
Day 3
  • Breakfast: cheese and apple, plus biscuit for adding some saltiness in it,
  • Lunch: hardboiled egg (again) and toast
  • Dinner: Tuna, ice cream and banana
The last day and finally, I can see the result on the next day. I feel really satisfy with the menu on the third day like I wrote on my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews. You may also feel this third day menu has more variation like what you can’t see on other 3 Day Military Diet Reviews.
With this 3 Day Military Diet Reviews article, I come into conclusion. I see Military Diet as one of the most effective diet for me, which I also want to share through 3 Day Military Diet Reviews. After I use all menus above, I lose 4.5 pounds; of course I also combine the diet with workout, so I can get that result.
However, I suggest you have to see your nutritionist, before trying the diet or menu in my 3 Day Military Diet Reviews. That way, you will find the right way and the right amount calorie for Military Diet. And of course, you also can get better result in the end.

Most Healthy Fast Food Options for Fast Food Lovers

Almost everyone loves fast food not only because its fast serving, but also because it is mostly mouth-watering. Everything that is fried and rich in saturated fat is ironically delicious. However, because most fast foods are obviously unhealthy, every fast food lover must be aware of the most healthy fast food options to improve their eating habit, to avoid the danger of eating junk foods, and to make sure that they can remain healthy without having to torment their appetite.
If you are fighting fast food craving, this can be achieved in two ways. First, you can change the way you eat fast food without actually abandoning your fast food habit. Second, you can abandon fast food completely and replace it with healthier fast food recipes. Both options are similarly plausible because they basically help you be healthier person while allowing you to keep delicious fast food. Let us explore the two most healthy fast food options and see whether you can practice them.
Healthy Ways to Eat Fast Food
For fast food addicts, abandoning fast food entirely can be as bad as staying with binge habit. Their addiction simply prevents them from being able to eliminate completely fast food from their meal. Forced abstinence will likely result in bounce-back effect: they become more severe fast food addicts due to their inability to remain sober. For this kind of people, moderation is always among the most healthy fast food options. They can continue eating fast food, but they have to make sure that they eat it in a healthy way. Here are how to do that.
1.             Stay away from anything fried.
Most fried foods are rich in saturated fat, trans-fat and bad cholesterol. They also flood your body with unnecessary calories, which are eventually stored as fat. Fried foods are your heart’s biggest enemy. Most fast foods are obviously fried foods; however, you can actually replace them with their grilled counterparts. What is great about grilling is that the aroma of grilled foods, as well as their taste, can actually be better than those of fried foods. By replacing fried foods with grilled ones, you can lose approximately 80 calories and 8 grams of fat per serving.
2.             Stay with small portion.
Being a fast food addict doesn’t necessarily mean you have to order two or three layers of patties in your burger. One patty is enough and additional patties will only multiply the calories and supply your body with unnecessary protein. Most fast foods are relatively safe to eat as long as you keep your portion as meager as possible.
3.             Stay with greens.
Greens are rather rare in fast food, but if you find ones, you may need to put priority on them. If you cannot endure the blandness of green fast food, at least make it a side dish. Therefore, a grilled chicken paired with salad is an excellent decision to balance your meal. The inclusion of vegetables and anything green into your fast food makes your fast food no longer a mere junk.
4.             Stay with healthy snacks.
When you eat fast food, snacks and side dishes often have to be around. You want french fries or garlic knots when you eat burger or salad. To avoid flooding your body with calories, trans-fat and other unwanted substances, replace those unhealthy side dishes and snacks with yogurt, fruit bowl and other healthier side dishes.
5.             Stay with harmless beverage.
Every fast food serving must come with various types of beverage, the most common of which are carbonated drinks, drinks high in sugar, or alcoholic drink. All of those beverages are undoubtedly not healthy due to their high sugar and calorie content. Instead of including those drinks in your meal, consider replacing them with unsweetened tea or coffee, fruit juice, or simply a glass of mineral water.
If you are committed to be a healthier person, the aforementioned small sacrifices will not matter a lot. You can still eat your favorite fast foods without worrying too much about how they affect your health.
Healthy Fast Food Recipes
The most healthy fast food option actually eliminates fast food entirely from your meal. However, because eliminating fast food is nearly impossible for hardcore fast food lovers, the best option for them is making their own fast food at their own kitchen using healthy fast food recipes. Here are a number of fast food recipes that you can try at home.
1.             Chicken nuggets with almond crust
Everyone likes chicken nuggets, but they are rich in calorie because they combine chicken meat with starches. If you want healthier nuggets that contain fewer calories and are fortified with fiber, consider mixing the ground meat with almonds. Almonds are among the richest sources of fiber of all nuts, which are among the richest sources of fiber of all food ingredients. Adding almonds to your nugget recipe not only cuts your calorie intake, but also helps your digestive system process foods and expel fat more effectively.
2.             Baked potato with low-fat topping
French fries are mostly mandatory when you eat fast food. Unfortunately, french fries are calorie-rich, making them bad choice for diet. If you prefer the most healthy fast food option to replace french fries, the best thing to do is by baking the potatoes instead of frying them. Baked potatoes are almost similar to french fries in terms of taste and texture. To enhance the taste, you can add low-fat or fat-free sour cream topping (or vinaigrette if you want to avoid cream).
3.             Diet-friendly beverage
You can replace carbonated sugar-rich beverage and beers with fruit juice, but fruit juice is not the only healthy alternative for those junk drinks. If you enjoy drinking milkshake, which is very high in calories, you may want to replace it with fat-free milk. Diet soft drinks, such as Coca Cola Zero, can also become good alternatives. Nonetheless, anything that is categorized as soft drink actually contains significant calories, so avoiding any kinds of soft drink completely is considered the most healthy fast food option.

Recipes for Healthy Foods To Eat While Pregnant

Eating Healthy Foods To Eat While Pregnant can be an extremely daunting task. As wonderful as this milestone is, being a mom-to-be is a wild time for many expecting mothers. They constantly live on the verge of having ridiculous cravings and feeling extremely sick – all of which is made ten times worse with the equally demanding schedule. Many expecting women end up eating whatever they feel like it at the time, thinking as long as they eat, they and their bundles of joy will be alright.
While such eating habit may be enough to curb your hunger, the food items you eat may not be sufficient for your and your baby’s nutritional needs. Yes, following the general guidelines of healthy eating is much more crucial than ever before. But your responsibility as a mom-to-be in this area is not restricted to eating five times a day and consuming healthy, nutritious food items such as lean read meats, fish, poultry, whole grains and dairy products which are high in calcium.
When you are expecting, you are understandably in need of additional nutrients for both you and your baby. These nutritious foods are needed to support the development and growth of your little one. Knowing this critical aspect of nutrients, it does not necessarily mean that you must eat all nutrition-dense food you know on the face of the planet – and this is where it gets tricky. This, often leads many expecting mothers to believe that they must eat for two, resulting in obesity.
Nutritious and Healthy Foods To Eat While Pregnant
Truth of the matter is, “Quality over quantity” does apply on this matter as well. But that alone does not eliminate the confusion surrounding the type of nutrient-dense food you must consume through each of your pregnancy stages. For that reason, we are bringing you a list of delicious yet highly nutritious menu ideas to help you get started! Best of all? All of the items on the menu are approved by dieticians, so you do not have to worry about its nutritional value!
  1. Ratatouille with baked whole eggs recipe
This thick vegetable stew is a classic. A glance at the following ingredients, and your doubt regarding the nutritional value of this rich and bright red stew will instantly disappear. See the ingredients needed and how to prepare this food below.
  • 375 gram of diced eggplant
  • 1 small zucchini, diced
  • 1 yellow onion, diced
  • 1 small red bell pepper, diced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced and fresh parsley, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of fresh basil, chopped
  • Fresh ground pepper and salt to taste
  • 470 gram of high-quality plum tomatoes
  • 4 large eggs
Preheat your oven to 200ºC or 400ºF and take your 23 cm by 33 cm baking dish. As your oven is preheating, place your diced zucchini, bell pepper, onion and eggplant then sprinkle it with garlic, drizzle it with olive oil and season to taste with salt and pepper. Toss the ingredients to coat. Once finished, take a 20 cm by 20 cm baking dish and pour both the plum tomatoes and its juice into it. Place both of your baking dishes in the oven and bake for 40 minutes – stir occassionally.
Once the vegetables are lightly browned and slightly tender, and the tomato sauce has slightly thickened, remove from the oven. Let stand for about 10 minutes before you pour the tomato sauce into the baking dish with roasted vegetables in it, gently stir to combine and spread it before you make four wells. Crack an egg into the center of the aforementioned well, and return to oven to bake for 10 minutes or until eggs are cooked through. Serve with sprinkles of parsley.
  1. Pan-seared salmon with leeks and lentils recipe
Salmon is one of the best source of healthy fats, making it one of the most recommended food items for consumption during pregnancy. Combined with leeks and lentils, there is no doubt in mind that this French classic menu is rich in nutrients. Not only does it contain high amount of healthy fat, it also contains protein and fiber. To make this mouth-watering food, see the following directions.
  • 4 salmon fillets weighing about 185 gram each, have the skin removed
  • 235 gram chopped leek and 140 gram green lentils
  • 625 ml chicken stock
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced and salt and ground pepper to taste
  • 2 celery stalks and 1 large carrot, finely diced
  • 1 tablespoon of tomato paste and 1 tablespoon of red wine vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons of fresh chives, minced
  • 3 sprigs of thyme, and 3 sprigs of Italian parsley (mince one sprig for garnish later)
Before you start, make sure to soak the lentils in a bowl filled with boiling water for about 15-minutes then drain completely. Meanwhile in a frying pan, with 2 tablespoons of olive oil, sauté the diced leek over medium heat until it is tender – this typically takes 10-minutes. Before it turns brown, add the garlic then proceed to sauté for another 2-minutes. Pour the chicken stock into the pan and add carrot, celery, thyme and parsley sprigs, tomato paste and drained lentils. Cover and let it simmer for 20-minutes.
Preheat the oven to 230ºC or 450ºF, and heat ovenproof pan as you prepare the salmon fillets with olive oil on each side. Cook without flipping or moving, each side for 3 minutes and transfer it to the oven. Bake for 8 minutes. As it is baking, go back to your lentils, remove the sprigs and add the remaining ingredients and season with pepper and salt. Place a portion of it onto your plate and top it with the freshly baked salmon fillet. Serve.
Simple yet Healthy Foods To Eat While Pregnant
Looking for something that is easy to make and can be done in a few seconds? This Pumpkin spiced parfait with crunchy cashews makes for both a nutritious meal and dessert all at the same time! Those with sweet tooth will definitely love this recipe. See the following directions to make.
  • ½ cup pumpkin puree (you may use canned pumpkin for this)
  • 2 teaspoons of maple syrup
  • 1 cup plain yogurt
  • ¼ teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice
  • topping: 2 tablespoons of granola, 1 tablespoon of raisins and 2 tablespoons of chopped cashews
Simply stir the first four ingredients and then top with granola, raisins, and chopped cashews. Voila! See, eating Healthy Foods To Eat While Pregnant doesn’t have to be boring or complicated!

Healthy Foods That Taste Good and Easy to Prepare

Eating healthy is not so bad with our recipes for Healthy Foods That Taste Good. Regardless of whether you are doing it for health reasons or to lose weight, completely changing your eating habit can be extremely difficult. And this comes from someone who failed to turn her life around for numerous times, so believe me when I say that you are not the only one to struggle with healthy eating. I can confirm that yes, eating healthy is far from easy. Not only that, it is also incredibly frustrating.
We are living in a world where majority of food that is readily available on the market is either highly processed and completely void of nutrition, or healthy yet incredibly bland to our taste buds. If you think you are imagining things, you are not. Science has conducted numerous studies on processed food over the years, and the results are nothing short of shocking. The food industry has altered the food it sells to not only condition our taste buds, but also to ensure skyrocketing profits.
nature neuroscience study which was conducted in 2010 note that, thanks to all of the high-processed junk food, our taste buds have been engineered genetically and that leaves us with constant craving for high-fat and high-calorie foods. Combined with our sedentary lifestyle, we quickly put on the pounds and soon the issue spreads to our health. It’s a good thing to finally put our feet down and want to change, but what do we have to do when we cannot stop ourselves from having a cheat meal? The answer is simple, whip up some Healthy Foods That Taste Good without harmful ingredients!
Healthy Foods That Taste Good: easy-to-make recipes
Yes, with our recipes, you will be enjoying healthy and nutritious more and more – before you know it, you will completely forget your addiction to junk food. The best of all? Our recipes are very easy to prepare, and even easier to make! Now even in your busiest day, you know you no longer have to order a greasy, high-calorie takeout. In under 15-minutes, your healthy nutritious food will be ready!
  1. Avocado and Crab Salad
Worried about the crab overpowering your salad? Don’t worry, with a little bit of spiced seasoning, you will instantly fall in love with the burst of flavor in your palate. To make this hearty and nutritious food, you will need the following ingredients:
  • 226 gram of green beans or haricots verts, halved
  • 158 ml of low fat plain yogurt
  • 3-tablespoons of low fat mayonnaise
  • 2-tablespoons lemon juice
  • ½ cup of fresh chives and ¼ cup of fresh basil, chopped
  • 226 gram crabmeat
  • 3 chopped romaine hearts and 3 chopped anchovy fillets
  • 1 avocado, halved and diced
  • Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
  • 1 pint of halved cherry tomatoes
  • Whole wheat crouton, optional
Using a saucepan, cook haricots verts or green beans in boiling salt water for 3-minutes. Run it under cold water, drain. Then using a blender, puree the mayonnaise, yogurt, basil, chives, anchovies, and lemon juice until smooth – add salt and pepper to taste. Next, toss half of avocado with crabmeat into a bowl and mix with 1-tablespoon of the dressing. Add the croutons, green beans or haricots verts, romaine and the remaining of your dressing and avocado. Top with crab mixture and cherry tomatoes.
  1. Low carb zucchini pasta with pesto
If you are supposed to be cutting down your carb intake but you are craving some zesty pasta, this healthy take on our favorite Italian dish will definitely make you over the moon. To make this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:
  • 6 medium-sized zucchini of 1-kilogram in total, trimmed
  • 1 ripe Hass avocado
  • ¼ cup of unsalted pistachios and 1 cup of fresh basil leaves
  • 2-tablespoons lemon juice
  • ¾ teaspoon of salt, divided into two parts
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced and ¼ teaspoon of ground pepper
  • 2-teaspoons of Old Bay herbs & spices seasoning
  • 89 ml of olive oil, divided into two parts
  • 450 grams raw shrimp
Cut the zucchini lengthwise and use a spiral vegetable slicer to make it into strips or strands. Place it in a colander then mix ½-teaspoon of salt and remove excess water by squeezing. Meanwhile, using a food processor, prepare your pesto by combining pistachios, avocado, lemon juice, pepper, basil and the remaining of your salt. Once it’s finely chopped, add 59 ml of oil and pulse until smooth.
Set the pesto aside and proceed to make your cajun shrimp. On a large skillet over a medium heat, add 15 ml of olive oil. Add garlic and cook for 30-seconds before you toss in the shrimp and the Old Bay seasoning. Stir occasionally for 3-minutes, transfer to a bowl and set aside. Using the same skillet, add the remaining of your oil and heat it. Toss the drained zucchini to the skillet and cook it for 3-minutes, transfer to a large mixing bowl. Add pesto to the bowl, combine. Add some of the shrimp when serving.
Healthy Foods That Taste Good: less than 5-minute recipe
If you are in a hurry and in need of something extremely quick to prepare for breakfast, this scrumptious Broccoli and feta omelet with whole wheat toast is the one for you! With a boost of flavor from feta cheese, you know that you will get your dose of CLA as well. To whip up this recipe, all you need is the following:
  • 3 large eggs
  • 3 tablespoons of feta cheese
  • ¼ teaspoon of dried dill
  • 1 cup of chopped broccoli
  • 2 slices of rye bread
Prepare your ingredients by beating your large eggs and crumble the feta cheese, and lightly toast the bread. Now over medium heat, proceed to heat your nonstick skilled spray it with cooking spray. Toss broccoli into the skillet and cook it for 3-minutes. Combine the beaten eggs, dried dill and feta cheese in a small mixing bowl. Add that egg mixture to the skillet, cook the omelet for 3 minutes each side. Once cooked through, transfer it to the plate and serve with warm toasty bread. See, cooking Healthy Foods That Taste Good does not have to be complicated!